There are many areas of the home that can be tweaked into helping life run more smoothly, even in a seemingly tidy house. Before I first overhauled my home, it looked pretty much clutter-free to my visitors; I kept bench tops clear and everything behind closed doors. But what’s hidden behind those closed doors could clog up your life just as much as the junk that creeps its way out over the floor and countertops. This is where home organisation comes in.
Whether your home is a secretive harbourer of clutter, or everything hangs out jumble-sale-style for all to see all, you need to simplify to run smoothly.
Task Zones
If your rooms are utterly jam-packed then you will first need A Kickstart to Decluttering, because an initial blanket purge is hugely beneficial before embarking on this more specific simplifying stage. Once belongings are reduced to an amount where they can be stashed into available storage spaces, then you can begin to make sense of each ‘task zone’. A task zone is how I like to think of each cupboard, drawer, basket, shelf and nook, because each of these places should be serving a specific purpose.
Home Organisation, A Clear Purpose
In our den, we have nine wall-mounted cupboards, and each of them perform a different function. I don’t allow crossover because when the intended purpose of a task zone becomes muddied it quickly becomes an anything zone. Confusion about the purpose of any piece of storage is the culprit that will inevitably make for a messy home all over again, and a less organised lifestyle. Remember, when there is a set place for everything then everything is easily returned to that place.
Two of my cupboards are filled with all of my craft supplies. How to organise craft supplies (coming soon) can vary according to the types of crafts you enjoy, but within your craft nook you should always separate your items into smaller baskets or hobby organisers for easy selection.
Another of my cupboards holds small containers of interior paint, along with a case of brushes and rollers to make touch-ups a breeze. This is a perfect example of how implementing a ‘task zone’ can streamline life. Before I created this zone, I’d always put off retouching paintwork on knocks and scrapes because our paints were scattered around a chilly outhouse where spiders lurked *shudder*.
You can work through each of your storage zones and transform them into task zones by using the simple foundations of decluttering: Analyse, Separate and Regroup. After using this, things will have made their way to the correct location. Within these locations you can now begin Mastering Home Organisation: 3 Steps to Creating Task Zones.