
A Kickstart to Decluttering

When you can’t find motivation for a big home clearout, stop looking at it as a large decluttering project. Select just one cupboard, drawer, or basket of belongings and question if the items inside truly belong with you.

Note that the question is directed toward you specifically. Do you find the items useful in your daily routine? Or, are they beautiful enough to be displayed in your home right now for all to see?

Be True to Yourself

Don’t hang onto things because of a preconception that every home should have one. And forget that pushy sales assistant who convinced you it was a great purchase. Do you and your family value or regularly use it? If not, it’s got to go.

Think of that kitchen gadget you keep “just in case”. The one that owns the back of your cabinet like a school bully rules the back of a school bus. Maybe it’s a redundant breadmaker for your fantasy self, or a dusty cookbook ignored because there are infinite recipes online.

I’ll let you in on a secret: You’re not going to use it and you won’t miss it when it’s gone. Eject that space-sucking menace out of your life.

The Answer to Decluttering

Don’t feel obligated to hold on to gifts of home decor, clothing, or anything that doesn’t bring you joy. The gift is in the giving, not the retaining. Once the gift has left the giver’s possession and entered yours then the gift has fulfilled its purpose.

Graciously pass it on to someone who will enjoy it via a charity shop or an online marketplace. Too many people hold onto things out of a sense of duty, and where’s the gift in that?

The answer to decluttering is to be true to yourself. Be truthful about what you need, and actively use.

Ditch Multiples and Long Term Lodgers

Pare down. Stop saving multiple ‘just in case’ items, one in use and one spare is enough for anyone. Use up those old yellowing Christmas napkins as paper towels (then switch to eco-friendly reusable cloths and rags for spills. The change will reduce strain on the planet and your grocery budget).

How many fancy serving platters are needed for few and far-between get-togethers? Could you share bulky hostess pieces between family members?

Once the disused makes room for the useful, life flows more freely. Practical items are always found close at hand and are easily retrieved without rifling through overfilled cupboards, jammed drawers, and toppling piles.

Keep your newly decluttered spaces in check with drawer dividers and cabinet organisers.

Amazon: Cabinet organiser

Sentimental clutter causes a stickier situation but there is a solution. Read my guide Sentimental Decluttering, Let It Go.

Still struggling to get motivated? Read about my return to decluttering in Goodbye Overwhelm, Hello Tidy Home.

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